Saturday 3 September 2016

[RaspPi] How to start Raspberry Pi 3 headless on a WiFi connection with WPA-PSK

While some Raspberry Pi owners out there start with their Pi plugged to a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse, some other users prefer to run the Pi in headless mode. The headless mode off-the-shelf wasn't really bad with the previous editions of Raspberry Pi prior the third one since the user could have access via the ethernet port. However, if the user decides to start in headless mode on wireless ethernet, a little configuration needs to be done, which happens to be the topic of this tutorial.

Sunday 17 July 2016

[C][Java][Prolog] Building XSB Prolog and InterProlog on Debian "jessie" 8.0 64-bit

This article is a guide to building XSB Prolog and InterProlog.
XSB extends Prolog with tabled resolution and HiLog (a standard extension of Prolog permitting limited higher-order logic programming).[1]
Tabled resolution is a very useful feature in logic programming. SWI-Prolog has its own implementation which seems to be less mature than XSB's[2]. SWI-Prolog's documentation of the feature states its two uses: memoization[3] and avoiding non-termination. Check for more details.

All of the following operations are performed on a 64-bit Linux Debian "jessie" 8.0 machine.

Sunday 17 January 2016

[C++][Boost] Building Boost.Regex 5.0.1 with ICU support on Debian "jessie" 64-bit

This is a short memo on how to build Boost.Regex 5.0.1 of Boost 1.60.0 with ICU support on Debian "jessie" 64-bit.

Friday 29 November 2013

[Java] Hibernate basics with Eclipse

This entry proxies for a series of tutorials which introduces the basics of Hibernate for utter beginners. I only assume that the reader have a grasp of the Java and SQL semantics. Obviously, there is more to Hibernate than we have covered in these tutorials. A good sequel for these tutorials would cover the use of annotations to describe entity classes and their attributes. Other related entries would include lazy initialization, caching and some other mechanics regarding the use of Session objects, as well as the integration of Hibernate in enterprise applications.
It is worth mentioning that these tutorials are basically my notes when I was learning Hibernate.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

[Java] Hibernate query basics

Once links are established between the database and persistent entities, it is perfectly normal to save, modify and query the collections of data.
This is a tutorial for first-timers in which basic query mechanics in Hibernate will be discussed.
For further examples using Hibernate, check the following tutorials:

Thursday 31 October 2013

[Java] Mapping relational concepts with Hibernate 4

It is crucial to know that O/R mapping using Hibernate isn't about transforming every table you want to use in your application into a Java class. Notice that relational and object-oriented are two different paradigms. It would be more appropriate to re-think the design of the database tables using Java and object-oriented programming. In this tutorial, which is aimed for first-timers, we will tackle basic O/R mapping using Hibernate 4, in other words, we will see how to join tables with their respective object-oriented representations. I assume that you are able to make and run a basic Hibernate example, otherwise please read the first tutorial "Hello Hibernate 4 with Eclipse Kepler" ( In this tutorial, we use Hibernate 4.2.5 (

Saturday 19 October 2013

[Java] Hibernate 4 object states

In order to manage objects representing rows in database tables, the user of Hibernate needs to have a grasp of object states within the framework. This tutorial will be an introduction for first-timers to the notion of object states in Hibernate. I assume that you are able to make and run a basic Hibernate example, otherwise please read the first tutorial "Hello Hibernate 4 with Eclipse Kepler" (
The version of Hibernate we will use is 4.2.5 (
In the rest of this tutorial, we will refer to classes mapped to actual database tables as entities, and to the subsequent objects representing rows in these tables as entity instances.

Monday 7 October 2013

[Java] Hello Hibernate 4 with Eclipse Kepler

In this tutorial, I trace my first experience with Hibernate[1]. Needless to say, this article is meant to introduce newbies to working with Hibernate. Our keywords are clarity and simplicity[2]. Therefore, we will proceed step-by-step and avoid the use of complex manipulations, third party plug-ins or any techniques that could lead a first-timer into unfortunate experiences.

Monday 4 July 2011

[YAGE] Memory Management - RAII

Back to YAGE and memory management methods and this time it'll be a short introduction to RAII.

So what's RAII?
RAII[1][2] which stands for Resource Acquisition Is Initialization is a widely used C++ idiom[3]. The weird name may not tell much. But, if used under some strict conditions, this idiom grants the absolute respect of the resources ownership -pointers included- which spares the developer all the headache of monitoring dynamic memory use.

Sunday 13 February 2011

[Code Hints] Formatting source code to post in Blogger

I've been thinking of a way to automatically format the source code samples posted on the blog. I made a quick search on Google and I found this free online tool called Source Code Formatter Tool which I have to credit for the formatting of the source code posted in the previous article.
I guess it's worth the try for a lightweight formatting tool, well except for the coloring feature which could be a priority for some.
Note that there are several online tools which do the same as Source Code Formatter Tool.