I assume that the user has a Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspbian OS installed on a microSD card.
Plug the microSD card in the PC and go to root partition.
The first step is to set the appropriate configuration that allows to automatically use the wireless interface.
Backup etc/network/interfaces then edit it and overwrite it with the following content:
The second step is to configure the default WiFi connection for the wireless interface.
Backup etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf then edit it and append the following content:
The right values ssid and psk should be put in there, of course.
Put the microSD card in the Raspberry Pi and plug the power supply. When the green LED stops fluttering, open an ssh session to pi@raspberrypi.local, the password is raspberry. If the configuration and the connection are well set, ssh should work fine.
In the end, don't forget to properly shutdown the Raspberry, for example using this command:
sudo shutdown -h nowAnd wait until both the green and the red LEDs are continuously on to unplug the power supply.
Happy tinkering!
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